Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Uninformed Observer

There's nothing so pernicious
as a person asked for an
opinion and gives one
without being the least bit
informed about the subject at hand.

It's the same as leaders who
govern themselves by the standard
of being strongly advised
against strong opinions.

I don't understand why
we've allowed ourselves
to believe those with
the most power ought
to be the "least offensive."

I understand that it's
good to have someone
in authority who is
capable of being diplomatic,
but when you instead
choose that person
only on the basis that
they won't rock the boat,
then what you're really
building is a boat
that can hardly be expected
to withstand even
the tiniest of storms.

One wave and they're gone;
who cares how friendly they are?

That's the reason why
we find ourselves in a
continual economic
bear-and-bull tug,
because everyone's
too drunk on their
own stupidity to notice
that there are smarter
ways to do things.

People should be able
to do what they're hired
to do. Right?

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