Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Book Terrors...! VI: Continuum

It's funny to hear
DFW describe
entertainment as
filling a void like
an addiction, and
certainly how he
talks about his own
habits, because he
truly doesn't seem
to have any reason
or interest in his,
and so certainly
for him, his reasoning
is sound; for some
points of view, maybe
I could be seen as
similar, but I would

I don't use it to substitute
social interaction, or
to glut on it (even when
I was at my "worst," I
never just watched
for the sake of
watching, but because
I was legitimately being
entertained, and this
is not even to count
all the hours I have
spent reading any
number of a thousand
things, in print and

I am not inherently
someone who will
benefit a great deal
from extended
interactions with
other people, and
that has little to
do with "shyness"
or social anxiety,
so much as a lack
of basic common
demonitators that are
anything less than,
well, entertainment.

It just so happens
that I benefit more
from experiencing
what other creative
voices have to say,
and if I happen to
be entertained along
the way, then so much
is the better, and really,
why should I complain
about that? Where
would it improve my
circumstances to belittle
the results of what I
think is a perfect
culmination of mankind's
potential, when all the petty
differences are truly set aside
(like every two years
at the Olympics)?

Particularly as an American,
where it has become our
national drive to engage
in these activities?

Louis Hartz apparently
thought to note that
Americans tend to
avoid extremes, which
I would say is exactly
what helped forge
our country in the first
place, and no matter
how many examples
you can think of
that would contradict
this, just within
the counterculture
and the void it's left
us for the past forty years,
I would still argue that
we're still driven by it,
and the only way the
American Dream will
ever truly be broken,
when we trade
bread and circuses
for coliseums and empire,
is when we change that.

Yet I don't see that happening;
where would be the fun in that?

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