Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pulling 30 Twelve

It strikes me that
each of the three
religions that
descended from
Abraham have all
gone on similar

In short,
they really like
to get attention.

Not to dwell on Jews
too much, because
they get enough shit
as it is, but
I've been thinking
that the Babylonian exile
was probably a good thing,
all things considered,
what probably made
Judaism the culture it is

Because what King David
had been making of it,
that's what Christianity
eventually took over,
right at the last point
Jews were really in a position
of their own authority.

Christians got so excited
about it they actually
started acting exactly
like the Jews who gave
the original Christians
(i.e. Christ and his apostles)
such a hard time, which
makes it pretty ironic,
but not as much as what
Muslims did once they
appeared on the scene.

I don't mean to be heretical
here, but I consider Islam
basically to be Judaism
rebooted back to tribal days,
with all the Mosaic strictures
enforced incredibly strictly.

I once called Muslims today
to be the last revolution,
because that's exactly what
I think we're all waiting for,
the point where Muslims
finally get over the hump
and decide it's more
important to live the culture
than to die by it.

In this sense, I've been
watching religion, throughout
history and in my own time,
constantly pulling society
this way and that.

Being a part of this scene
has probably defined me
in more ways than I
have yet come to fully
embrace, which itself
is pretty appropriate.

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