Saturday, April 17, 2010


As much as it sounds
bad to say so, but
I can't think of much
worse developments
in the past hundred
years than the peace

I don't mean to say
I am against peace;
far from it, naturally.

But I don't appreciate
how some people have
used the movement
to push forward
their own agendas.

This has been going
on at least since the 60s.

I was watching a
program on PBS
a few weeks back
concerning MLK's
early stance against
the Vietnam War,
which made his
final years perhaps
more troubling than
those he spent
advocating for equal rights.

I don't know what
got him onboard that
train so quickly, but
I do know that a lot
of the people who
opposed that war
did so out of a general
discontent, and not because
they thought anything
through about the war
itself. They seemed to
want to blame any number
of people, when they
never bothered to look
back far enough. You
wouldn't even be able
to blame Kennedy.

It was literally a product
of a response, and that's
pretty much it. Anything
else had nothing to do
with what all those people
were so upset about.

And yet those protests
gave birth to an entire
movement, which one
day took on G's response
to 9/11, and condemned
his war just as they had
condemned him
long before they had
any motivation, except
that they could.

They never stopped to
think that this war had
its own long shadow,
and when they thought
of anything at all, it
was only the things
that they knew would
set them off.

You can't tell me I'm
wrong, okay. I sat
patiently and listened
to all the arguments.

I knew what was
going on.

You can't find
peace by bringing

What good does it
possibly do to spread
propaganda, set an
agenda, when all
you really want is
trouble, but only
on your terms?

That's what I
need to be
to me.

This is how we're
going to make
the history books.

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