Monday, April 19, 2010


It strikes me that most
of the most irrational
people are pushing
an agenda they believe
is the most rational
thing in the world.


The reason I respect
J.J. Abrams so much
is that he seems to
gravitate toward ideas
that comment on the
nature of agendas.

On Alias, it was in
the world of spies, but
really about an
obsession with a
renaissance man called
Milo Rambaldi. Where
would everyone have been
if Arvin Sloane hadn't so
aggressively pursued
this agenda?

On Lost, we're learning
how everything pivots
around the conflict
between Jacob and the
Man in Black, and ho
if everyone weren't
so busy with their
own agendas, a lot of
things were be a lot
more simple.

With Fringe, wouldn't
it be nice if Walter Bishop
had never crossed into
a parallel world, thereby
initiating a war, a private
agenda that has seen
legitimate science run
amok with agendas? But,
he was only trying to
save his son. Look where
that got him...


Agendas are such a funny
thing; they can warp everything
around them without anyone
even realizing it. Wouldn't
it be nice if everyone
wore a sign around their necks
explaining what exactly
their agenda was, so there
would be less confusion?

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